Gabriel Elisavetsky

Web developer

Audio engineer


I embrace being part of the future, one where the web remains an open standard and breeds new innovation. I snowboard. I act. I love to shred on my longboard, but you’ll usually find me at my desk on my computer safely inside my room! No, that is not the only place you can find me. You can find me outdoors with a mate gourd in my hand, relaxing in the dry California air, coding away.

A headshot of myself. I am a young man with brown long hair. I am wearing a white shirt with a blue jean jacket, smiling at the camera.

Some things I am passionate about.


I mainly do front-end web development.


I've loved technology since my early childhood, whether it be a new console with its all-new design or a great piece of software.


Yes. I love yerba mate. I drink it every day. Ask me about my favorite kind!


A snapshot of Wendy Kauderer's artist portolfio homepage at The banner (or main image if you will) on the right is a drawing of a close-up eye. Navigation and a search bar can be seen on the left with varioous sections such as Paintings, Drawings, Sculptures, Bio, and Contact.

Wendy Kauderer

Front-end artist portfolio art gallery theme switcher CMS view transitions accessible

A portfolio website I created for Wendy Kauderer, an extremely talented and gifted artist.

She is all about her art so my design centered around accentuating the entirety of all her pieces, bringing them front and center. You’ll notice on each piece’s individual page, the piece bleeds it’s colors onto the background, further improving the viewer’s immersion.

Tech Stack

React Astro TailwindCSS Pagefind Decap CMS
the sykstem e-commerce site. At the top there is a navigation element with the different clothing collections, a search button, your saved products, your account, and your bag. The banner photo is of five diverse women looking at the camera showing off our latest line of clothing. The banner text reads: 'your pro-worker boutique'. A button which reads 'shop now' is prominent below the banner text.

the sykstem

Front-end e-commerce save items filter & sort items account creation

A stunning e-commerce site for an apparel business built with Hugo and Snipcart’s fantastic developer-first tools, the sykstem delivers on it’s speed and quality.

Tech Stack

Hugo Bulma.css Snipcart lazysizes.js fastsearch.js (fuse.js) postcss.js Vanilla JS
The complimentary newsletter app to the sykstem's e-commerce site. The logo is at the top and centered along with the rest of the content of the page which is titled 'our newsletter'. The text: 'sign up to receive exclusive updates' is right below, along with a form to input your email to receive updates straight to your inbox.

the sykstem | newsletter

Full-stack newsletter

The complimentary newsletter app to the sykstem’s e-commerce site. This was my first foray into the backend side of programming. I realized that it was a whole other world where the DOM was not available, so I had to learn to think differently.

Tech Stack

express.js EJS Bulma.css Node.js
The Public Journal homepage. There are navigation elements at the top (for example, a menu, sign-up button, and a new entry button).Underneath, there is a bright and filtered, low-contrast photo of Buenos Aires, Argentina as the banner photo. The big banner text reads: 'Welcome to the Public Journal'. Another section below reads: 'Engage with the public' with an example to the left of what a journal entry looks like on the website.

PJ (Public Journal)

Full-stack add / edit / delete account creation anonymous accounts

This public journal — as the name describes — is for the public.

Anyone can hop on without having to create an account and make an entry straight away. Or you can go the “normal” route and create your own account. You can create and comment on entries “anonymously” if you please with the option to upgrading to a typical account setup later.

Entries are discarded after a short period of time, making this journal ephemeral in nature.

Tech Stack

express.js mongoose EJS mongoDB Bulma.css Node.js Vanilla JS
A complete redesign of my dad's website. Built with responsiveness from the beginning. An image of him wearing a black dress shirt and jeans looking at the camera with his music studio behind him makes up the website banner. A shortened description of himself follows underneath the photo.


Front-end personal site

Taking inspiration from his studio design, I felt the need to give my dad’s website a complete makeover. At the time, I did not have any knowledge of javascript so I experimented with css to see if I could do some of the things that javascript was able to do.

In return, the site became usable all without javascript enabled in the browser (though without lazysizes.js). Maybe someone prefers not to have javascript turned on, especially for static sites. Here’s to those who make that choice.

Tech Stack

Hugo React SCSS lazysizes.js Decap CMS Webpack Babel
The homepage to my website. The background is solid and kind of sand color. There is a two column layout, on the left there is my name and a description of what I do, and on the right is a photo of me embeded inside of what looks like a computer. My social links are below the 'screen' and mimic buttons seen on old computer monitors.

Gabriel Elisavetsky

Front-end personal site

And last but not least, this very website!

My site used to be built on a theme by HTML5UP called “Hugo Story”, but in order to fit in my new portfolio, I decided I would update it to match my true passion. There is now less importance to my face and more importance to the work accomplished.

Tech Stack

Hugo Bulma.css lazysizes.js postcss.js Vanilla JS Decap CMS



my current cv


my current acting resume